This is the home page for the Proteus Project. This project is a
collaborative effort by researchers at UNC Chapel Hill, Kestrel
Institute, and Duke University to develop a system for the
specification, prototyping, analysis and generation of parallel software.
The following information is available through this information server.
Please click on underlined entries to browse...
Table of Contents
Click here for a list of
recent additions to these topics.
Mailing lists
Two mailing lists are available for Proteus-folk:
- parlunch: Announcements of topics for the weekly UNC Parallel Lunch
(meeting time for Spring 95 has not yet been set).
- proteus-users: For users of the Proteus language
To subscribe to either list, send mail to "majordomo@cs.unc.edu" with
"subscribe list-name" in the body.
Additional Information
Any questions or problems with the Proteus pages should be directed to
nyland@cs.unc.edu or
*Supported by ARPA via ONR contracts N00014-90-K-0004,
N00014-91-C-0114 and N00014-92-C-0182, and by Rome Labs
contract F30602-94-C-0037.
This page has been accessed
$ Revised: Fri Sep 29 16:24:15 1995 by nyland@cs.unc.edu