Speaker Write-Ups

This is the first time that we have use this many speakers in this lass and want to be sure that they are useful and that you are gaining the information that we want you to have.  We therefore are asking that you write up a short summary of the presentation.

The write-up is to be a two-paragraph (typed) summary about what you learned from the speaker---focus on the content of the presentation, not on the presenter.  Your summary will normally be due on the class day after the replay.  Specific dates will be posted on the calendar.

Include your name,  Speaker name(s) and topic, and a couple of meaty paragraphs.  This needs to be only a half to two-thirds of a page and should take no more than 30 minutes to complete.  No sources, no bibliography.  Concentrate on the the most relevant points.  Feel free to add your opinion, just make it clear when you are doing so (e.g., first person is fine).

A few other questions you might consider as you write up your summary---but please don't just list a bunch of questions and answers; incorporate these into your prose where they fit best: