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Searched: Xueyi *Wang[^A-Za-z]
Results from Main web
BioGeometryGroup Set GROUP AndreaMantler, AndrewLeaverFay, CraigFalls, ErinHusson, HenryMcEuen, JackSnoeyink, WeiWang, XueyiWang, YuanxinLiu Set ALLOWTOPICCHANGE ...
TModelingGroup Set GROUP AndreaMantler, AndrewLeaverFay, CraigFalls, ErinHusson, HenryMcEuen, JackSnoeyink, WeiWang, XueyiWang, YuanxinLiu, MarcPollefeys, LeonardMcMillan ...
Statistics for Main Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2024 297 0 0 23 ...
Things need to do RNASC RNA Structure Correction. A C++ program for correcting bad clashes in existing RNA structure. ColCheck Collision Check. Comparing the performances ...
Name: Xueyi Wang Email: Picture: My Research I'm interested in RNA 3D Structure. Now I'm working on refining RNA structures from X-ray crystallography ...
Use Molecular Mechanics Method to evaluate all the conformations generated in every 5 degree and find energy favorable ones and cluster the conformations according ...
Feb. 07, 2005 Finish constructing the command line interface and parsing the input parameters. 230 lines Feb. 06, 2005 Decide to use CCP4 Coordinate Library and Clipper ...

Number of topics: 7
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