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Results from TWiki web
TOC STARTINCLUDE # Appendix D: TWiki Development Timeline 01-Sep-2004 Release (Cairo) Major New Features Automatic upgrade script, and easier first-time installation ...
## TWiki Upgrade Notes for Version 01 May 2000 If you are coming from a version earlier than the 01 May 2000 production release, please see TWikiUpgradeTo01May2000 ...
To upgrade an earlier TWiki version like 01 Sep 1999 to version 01 May 2000 you should do the following things: Back up your system. Update the templates in the /templates ...
INCLUDE{" TWIKIWEB .SiteMap"} (included from TWIKIWEB .SiteMap; change INCLUDINGWEB . INCLUDINGTOPIC to include from SiteMap instead of TWikiWebsTable)

Number of topics: 4
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