This page lists (with brief descriptions) various applications that team members have developed or are in the process of developing. If these apps turn out to be useful and have a well defined task (or closely related set of tasks) than they should eventually be moved into the "Tools" group instead.

RingFilt Filtering tool meant to throw away unimportant vertices/triangles from mesh based on generated error metric criteria. Uses 1-ring or 2-ring neighborhoods and a Vertex State Machine to build those neighborhoods.

SiftTo2DQ? Ad hoc tool to convert Chang Chang's SIFT format into a point cloud. Consider moving this into the Archive.

SurfQuery? Ad hoc tool for getting interpolated z-values from values. Consider moving this into the Archive.

-- ShawnDB - 01 Jun 2008

Revision: r1.1 - 31 Dec 2008 - 03:41 - Main.guest
TModeling > Software > TMVApps
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