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classx Is used to generate fitting values for each point in mesh. For each point, it generates a 1-ring 2-ring neighborhood around that point. Then it does a plane ...
TOC Introduction The modules described in this document are designed to process very large, unstructured point sets and meshes on commodity processors, using novel ...
Filtering and Binning with spfilter Shawn Brown will put some information here about this demo. Until he does: What this program (spfilter) does is to average the ...
fm Fast Marching module: Computes shortest path gradients for each triangle in the mesh. Could be used to compute approximate distances. The second step in calculating ...
This MATLAB demo computes the interpolatory SubdivisionSurfaces for a patch of the bathymetric data. This is part of a tool that we use to explore interpolatory subdivision ...
order Takes a point on a 3D mesh, and then reorders all vertices around that point in a spiral order. The first step in calculating shortest paths. Example usage ...
TOC Some files and images of the Ottawa data set, and a brief description of the file format for the point cloud. We are hoping to get images yet so that we can do ...
TOC Note: I should move the every-expanding philosophy to its own page and give more detail on demos Main.JackSnoeyink 02 Jun 2008 Our thesis has always been that ...
RingFilt A state machine based filtering program that fits a surface to the one-ring or two-ring of triangles around each point and filters away points triangles ...
sl2sl Converts one streaming line format to another. It is particularly useful to create tilings of lines and produce KML files that can be displayed in google earth ...
sl viewer A simple OpenGL-based viewer for streaming lines. Example usage: sl viewer i ../data/armadillo40.slb Reads the streaming lines file and displays it every ...
slclean Removes small connected components from a streaming line file. Operates like a filter. slclean is designed to be used in piping mode (e.g. islb olsb). Example ...
slsimp Reads streaming lines, and either removes all segments smaller than a given threshold (-length) or removes all "bumps" (i.e. a chain of two segments) whose ...
sm viewer An !OpenGL-based viewer that allows you to look at a streaming mesh and also helps illustrating the "stream quality" of the mesh. First of all you can watch ...
smsimp Compresses a streaming mesh using decimation. It is an implementation of Garland and Heckbert's QuadraticErrorMetric, which fits into our PointSelectionFramework ...
There are some prepackages sets of software with demo instructions from the Demos page, and documentation in the wiki for StreamingModules. SiftGPU is a GPU-based ...
sp2sp Used for converting between various streaming point file formats plus a little bit of ad hoc filtering operations as well. This program can read finalized or ...
sp viewer An !OpenGL viewer for visualizing files containing streaming point clouds. Performs simplification for fast rendering; to rerender the full model from a ...
spdelaunay2d A small but powerful tool that can turn billions of points into one gigantic and seamless terrain using very little main memory by streaming the Delaunay ...
spfinalize This spatial finalizer makes three passes over a point cloud. In the first pass it merely computes a bounding box. If this bounding box is known in advance ...
spground Classifies points as ground and non-ground, and can either (-groundonly) output ground points only, (-nongroundonly) output non-ground points only, or (default ...
Streaming Modules TOC Most of our software tools for large data sets are modules that can be composed with pipes in Windows or UNIX (including Mac and Linux). Click ...
TOC We process large point sets and meshes with StreamingModules. The documentation there has lots of example scripts for demos. This page will include some of the ...
TOC Interpolatory subdivision surfaces One of the major mathematical developments in this project is Charles Chui and co-authors' work on Interpolatory SubdivisionSurfaces ...
tin2dem This program takes a streaming mesh as input and produces a raster grid in the specified format and resolution as output by rastering linearly interpolated ...
tin2iso This program takes a streaming mesh as input and extracts isocontour lines (elevation lines) at user-specified heights and outputs them in a streaming line ...
Statistics for TModeling Web Month: Topic views: Topic saves: File uploads: Most popular topic views: Top contributors for topic save and uploads: Sep 2024 308 0 ...

Number of topics: 27
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