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TModeling.GravityMeetingSept05r1.1 - 22 Oct 2005 - 09:01 - Main.guesttopic end

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Here are the resources for GravityModeling? from the meeting at UMSL with the NGA specialists in gravity models.


Powerpoint slides


  • Data from Steve Kenyon on Switzerland: this is an area where they have some trouble getting the gravity to agree with the GPS baseline when they take the global model and try to add detail from point measurements taken by their Swiss collaborators (who typically provide very high quality data). Steve put together a CD with SRTM elevation grid (3'x3'), irregular point samples, and a readme. We don't have the GPS baseline, but I've requested it.
    • README.DAT: readme for Steve Kenyon's switzerland data
    • gravitational anomaly file described in README.DAT
    • STRM terrain elevations for a range from 46-47 N lattitude and 7-9 E longitude, which is 1200x2400 (3 arcsec post spacing). Ask JackSnoeyink for the disk if you want a 6k x 9.6k terrain. Zip file has MATLAB .mat file and 16bit pgm. Here is an image created by

    • Geoid heights. Jack pulled geoid heights from the 360 spherical harmonics model; see readme.

  • Gravity model EGM96 NGA's page for the data that make up the EGM96 gravity model, with gridded data, spherical harmonics coefficients, and fortran programs for interpolation and evaluation. Start here if you like code, or use the subitems if you want more documentation first.
    • EGM: NGA's page for the 360 degree spherical harmonics model built on WGS 84.
    • EGM96: NASA's page for the 360 degree spherical harmonics model of the geoid that will be replaced by the 2160 in 2006. (FTP site may be down; see NGA's site.)
    • An oceanographers tutorial on EGM96

-- JackSnoeyink - 05 Oct 2005

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I downAttachment sort Action Size Date Who Comment
EGM06-IAGCairnsFinal-sm.ppt manage 1654.5 K 05 Oct 2005 - 16:21 JackSnoeyink Kenyon's presentation on the state of gravity models
GeoStarPres-sm.ppt manage 7693.0 K 05 Oct 2005 - 16:24 JackSnoeyink Ed's presentation on remote sensing, some of his work, and success metrics
GravitySuccess.ppt manage 4959.0 K 05 Oct 2005 - 17:05 JackSnoeyink Jack's summary selection of slides
README.DAT manage 1.2 K 05 Oct 2005 - 21:43 JackSnoeyink readme for Steve Kenyon's switzerland data manage 796.9 K 05 Oct 2005 - 21:44 JackSnoeyink gravitational anomaly file described in README.DAT manage 967.8 K 12 Oct 2005 - 16:51 JackSnoeyink switzerland geoid data from EGM96
switzgeoid-sm.jpg manage 5.5 K 13 Oct 2005 - 07:35 JackSnoeyink manage 4169.6 K 22 Oct 2005 - 09:00 JackSnoeyink  

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