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TModeling.RingFiltr1.1 - 31 Dec 2008 - 18:04 - Main.guesttopic end

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A state machine based filtering program that fits a surface to the one-ring or two-ring of triangles around each point and filters away points & triangles according to the specified filter.

Note: The Ring filtering state machine always assumes that we need at least the 2-ring for filtering. Which implies we need a 3-ring before we can safely delete any vertices. This has the side effect of reordering vertices and triangles on output to satisfy this 2-ring property. For instance, You may notice re-ordered meshes drawing all interior vertices first and then vertices on the border later.

Note: All Filters have been modified to support LOW / HIGH thresholding, if those flags are specified (-zsplit and -zsub).

Filter Flags

Types of supported filters

Run DO NOTHING filter
  • Pass thru filter, does no filtering, except for re-order side-effect mentioned above

Run Simple Average Height Filter on 1-Ring of each vertex
  • Computes best fit z-value as average of neighbors in 1-ring

Run Simple Average Height Filter on 2-Ring of each vertex
  • Computes best fit z-value as average of neighbors in both 1-ring and 2-ring

Run Plane Fitting (Linear Least Squares) Filter on 1-ring of each vertex
  • Computes best fit plane to data points in 1-ring
  • Needs at least 3 data points to compute best fit plane
  • Reverts to -f1r filter if there are not enough data points
  • best-fit z-value as computed from planar equation for current x,y
  • z = Ax + By + C

Run Quadratic Surface Fitting (Linear Least Squares) filter on 2-ring of each vertex
  • Computes best fit quadratic surface thru data points in 1-ring and 2-ring
  • Needs at least 6 data points to compute best fit surface
  • Reverts to -fl1r filter if there are not enough data points
  • best-fit z-value as computed from quadratic equation for current x,y
  • z = Ax^2 + By^2 + Cxy + Dx + Ey + F

Run LOW / HIGH isolated filter on 1-ring filter of each vertex
  • If point is LOW and all neighbors in 1-ring are HIGH, mark as filtered
  • If point is HIGH and all neighbors in 1-ring are LOW, mark as filtered
  • In both cases, best fit z-value is computed as simple average of neighbors z-values
  • Need to specify valid -zsplit and -zsub flags to make this filter do any useful work

Run LOW / HIGH isolated filter on 2-ring filter of each vertex
  • If point is LOW and all neighbors in 1-ring and 2-ring are HIGH, mark as filtered
  • If point is HIGH and all neighbors in 1-ring and 2-ring are LOW, mark as filtered
  • In both cases, best fit z-value is computed as simple average of neighbors z-values
  • Need to specify valid -zsplit and -zsub flags to make this filter do any useful work

Filter Modifier Flags

Modifiers to supported filters

Run Local Minima Filter variation (works with -f1r, -f2r, -fl1r, -fq2r flags)
  • If z-value is below best-fit z-value, it gets filtered
Run Local Maxima Filter varation (works with -f1r, -f2r, -fl1r, -fq2r flags)
  • if z-value is above best-fit z-value, it gets filtered
Run Variance Filter varation default (works with -f1r, -f2r, -fl1r, -fq2r flags)
  • if variance of best-fit z-value is outside the variance range [minSigma, maxSigma] it gets filtered
-sigmin {floatVal} 
Min Variance Value for variance filters, (variances smaller than this get filtered away) defaults to 0.0 if not specified.
-sigmax {floatVal} 
Max Variance Value for variance filters, (variances larger than this get filtered away) defaults to 3.0 if not specified.

Disposal Policy Flags

Controls what to do with a vertex if it is marked as filtered

Replace any filtered vertices with the computed best-fit z-value
Delete filtered vertices (also deletes all incident triangles on deleted vertex)

Low / High Thresholding

-zsplit {floatVal} 
threshold value,
  • if (zVal <= threhold) then the current vertex belongs to the LOW group
  • otherwise it belongs to HIGH group
-zsub {floatVal} 
Value to subtract from high group before filtering operations

Input / Output Files

Note: Both of these flags need to be specified for this app to work properly.

-i {filename}
Input file to read and filter
-o {filename}
Output file to write out

Input File Formats

Note: Unlike other tools, at least one of these must be specified for this app to work properly.

Use Streaming Mesh ASCII
Use Streaming Mesh Binary
Use Streaming Mesh Compressed
Use Streaming Mesh Compressed (???)
Use Stanford's PLY format
Use Jonathon's Shewchuk's .ele and .node format
Use OFF file format

Output File Formats

Note: Unlike other tools, at least one of these must be specified for this app to work properly.

Streaming Point Formats

Use Streaming POINT ASCII
  • All triangle commands are suppressed when writing to this format
  • You get a point cloud, which needs to be spatially finalized (via spfinalize)

Use Streaming POINT Binary
  • All triangle commands are suppressed when writing to this format
  • You get a point cloud, which needs to be spatially finalized (via spfinalize)

Streaming Mesh Formats

Use Streaming Mesh ASCII
Use Streaming Mesh Binary
Use Streaming Mesh Compressed

Miscellaneous Flags

Turn on compaction (i.e. prereadaspre wrapper)
Turn on compaction (i.e. prereadaspre wrapper)
Compute Min/Max Bounding Box
Bit Rate for Compressed formats on output
-bits {intVal} 
Bit Rate for Compressed formats on output
-delay_read {intVal}
Number of triangles to buffer on reading
??? (Write Flag)
Use Triangle Finalize (
  • Eliminates stand-a-lone finalize commands on output to ASCII output file formats (IE .sma).
Help, Show example usage for "RingFilt"

-- ChristianStith - 17 Jun 2008

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I Attachment sort Action Size down Date Who Comment
Shawndb_Progress_Ring_filter.ppt manage 4160.0 K 31 Dec 2008 - 18:04 JackSnoeyink slides of early usage of Ring filter

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