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TModeling.ReadingGroupr1.1 - 10 Jul 2006 - 20:16 - Main.guesttopic end

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TMV ReadingGroup

  • Meeting time: Mondays, 2:30pm, sn252
  • Goal: share good papers in terrain modeling and visualization so that we have some common background for our diverse projects.

Voronoi Diagram conference report, 10 July, Leo

I will report results of some interesting papers from the Voronoi diagram conference in Banff.

Future presentations

Feature matching

Error metrics for surfaces

Line-of-sight Visibility:

Past presentations

Shawn Brown on Subdivisions

SubdivisionMethods.ppt from the book "Subdivision Methods For Geometric Design: A Constructive Approach" by Joe Warren and Henrik Weimer.

19 June: Tim: Making curved triangles

26 June: Leonard: interpolation by triangles

Irregular mesh wavelets, 3 July, Snoeyink

This is a different take on building wavelets on irregular meshes. It coarsens a mesh in a way that can be refined again, and records differences in a way that I still have to explain.

I'm going to focus on the topological/geometric questions that arise for the best way to coarsen a mesh so it can be refined...

-- JackSnoeyink - 29 May 2006

Further Reading

  • On Hills and Dales by James Clerk Maxwell, appeared in The Philosophical Magazine in 1870. In it, Maxwell discusses bottoms and summits of regions, watershed, contour lines, and more. Maxwell's thoughts here would eventually lead to modern Morse Theory.

  • Multiresolution Signal Processing on Meshes by Igor Guskov, Wim Sweldens, Peter Schröder, appeared in the Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 1999. The authors describe signal processing techniques over the domain of irregular triangle meshes. The papers on wavelets over irregular meshes that Jack linked above make reference to this paper.

  • Discrete Differential-Geometry Operators for Triangulated 2-Manifolds by Mark Meyer, Mathieu Desbrun, Peter Schröder and Alan H. Barr, appeared at 2002. The authors give a set of tools that can be used to approximate differential quantities (normal, gradient, curvatures, etc.) smoothly over a triangulated surface. This could be a useful if one of our aims is slope preservation.

-- TimThirion - 07 Jul 2006

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I Attachment sortdown Action Size Date Who Comment
006Bose-Delaunay.pdf manage 165.1 K 07 Jul 2006 - 17:31 JackSnoeyink On the stretch factor of the constrained delaunay triangulation
008Sakai-MedialAxesnew.pdf manage 234.7 K 07 Jul 2006 - 17:32 JackSnoeyink stable and topology preserving extraction of medial axis
016Bhattacharya_P.pdf manage 633.3 K 07 Jul 2006 - 17:33 JackSnoeyink crystal: a new density-based, fast, efficient clustering algorithm
025Schmitt-Delaunay.pdf manage 226.2 K 07 Jul 2006 - 17:30 JackSnoeyink k-set polytopes and order k delaunay diagrams
ShewchukElem.pdf manage 244.3 K 22 Jun 2006 - 13:31 JackSnoeyink Shewchuk: What is a good linear element?
SubdivisionMethods.ppt manage 3248.5 K 10 Jul 2006 - 20:13 ShawnBrown? Presentation based on Subdivision Methods Book

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